We’ve handpicked the industry’s best minds to support you across our 5 dimensions of wellness.

These talented thought leaders are the same experts who create original video content for us, so by the time you arrange a 1-1 call, there is a great level of familiarity that has already been built.

ARVRA experts overview

“My body confidence has sky-rocketed! It is so quick and easy to use. The low impact effectiveness, the endorphins and the energy makes it addictive! The hormonal coach has also been life-changing!”


Our movement method

Georgie Spurling

High intensity – but not as you know it, gone are the days of endless burpees! Our low impact method focuses on high repetitions with minimal weight to get your body working effectively from the inside out. The pulsing movements will engage deep local muscles that rarely get used.

You’ll improve your strength, circulation, lymphatic system and gut health whilst reducing stress. Our exercises are suitable for everyone and with workouts from 10 minutes to an hour, they are perfect even if you are time poor.